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The 5 most common mistakes made in eCommerce.

Creating an eCommerce is something that every seller who wants to operate is obliged to do because, otherwise, he would lose a lot of ground to the competition. However, there are many common mistakes that are very easy to make and can spoil the results, affecting above all the navigability and therefore the user experience.

Creating an online store may seem very simple. At first glance it is, however there are many points to take into account so that sales flow in your online store and you do not make the usual mistakes, we mention 5 mistakes that we often detect:

Regarding the platform that manages your online store

Choosing a platform that is difficult to manage for your eCommerce, either by including designs using code that is impossible to solve if you are not an expert programmer, or the selection of apps difficult to manage. In the end, as an online store owner, you want the platform you choose to work for you, and not work for the platform, the user experience is not only for the buyer of your product.

#Shopify is an excellent eCommerce platform for both online retail experts and new entrepreneurs, and it's basically because of the focus they put on the user experience - as the online store owner you are offering immediate support, frequent updates, creativity and innovation to name a few...

Regarding the security of your online business

One of the main concerns of online shoppers is the security of their data. Make sure that your store is protected and that all information collected is encrypted. In addition, it is important to keep your privacy and security policies up to date and make them visible to customers. ️

It is important to keep in mind that as an eCommerce owner you are responsible for both the internal information of your business and all the information that your customers are providing you, so you have to protect the data carefully to avoid security problems, access attempts, hackers, etc..

Typical mistakes about your eCommerce content

An ecommerce must focus on user experience and navigability to keep customers coming back. If an online store is not optimized for these issues, it will drag errors that can be very costly. In terms of the information you provide, we have detected simple errors that lead to big problems:


  • Not knowing what your business offers because of a poor communication about your value proposition: if an online store does not communicate clearly and concisely the brand's value proposition, customers will not understand why buy there instead of somewhere else.


  • A poor management of your home page without updates with different proposals and offers will make you fall into the typical case of the groundhog: always the same. Users like the feeling that there is always something new to discover, and if you don't offer that, they are likely to get bored and look for other options.

  • In addition, maintaining a good user experience is essential to the success of your ecommerce; if customers can't find what they are looking for easily or the navigability is confusing, they are likely to abandon the site and not return. Therefore, make sure the page is well organized and offers a smooth experience. We recommend this article to generate recurring sales.


  • Bad navigation: the typical "shop all" without search filters... Imagine arriving at a huge store with all the products lying around, how do you know where to look? How do you have the products sorted? What is the best option? How many varieties do you have? It can be difficult to navigate a website if the content is poorly organized or if the images are confusing.

  • Potential customers will get frustrated and probably won't come back. (We demonstrated in this blog how an eCommerce and Shopify redesign led to a huge increase in sales, where the focus was on the navigability of the website).

  • It is crucial that all ecommerce companies focus on providing an excellent user experience to their customers. This way they can avoid costly mistakes and ensure that more people make purchases from their online store.

  • Not having category pages complicates the navigability of your site: Categories are very important in an online store, they must be clear and concise so that customers can find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

  • Subcategories are also important to help customers find the perfect product. For example, if you have a jewelry store, categories and subcategories could be: necklaces (large, chains, customizable), earrings (gold, silver, by size, with stones...), rings (gold, silver, with stones, adjustable...). This will help your customers to navigate efficiently through your online store and enjoy a better user experience.

If you have an online store, whether it is fashion, decoration, gastronomy or any other kind, do not fall into the most common mistakes, as an eCommerce owner we recommend you to visit online stores where you frequently shop and think about what you like about them:

  • Easy to use

  • Find products quickly

  • Provides you with good combinations

  • You can find offers.

  • You have no doubts about the product because they have a complete description.

  • The photos are of good quality, you can appreciate sizes, proportions, textures...

Don't manage your online store by REACTION, run your online business from PROACTION. If you are looking for help to manage or develop your eCommece do not hesitate to contact us!

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