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How to shift from one-time sales to repeat sales?

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Your online store generates a lot of sales... UNIQUE SALES...

How to get your clients to come back?

You do all the right things when you have a customer in your store:

🛒 you guide your client (ecommerce navegable / user friendly),

🛒 you recommend products (“también te puede interesar”),

🛒 you do your best to make them convert (coupons, discounts).

Finally they buy! ... but never come back. Has it ever happened to you?

Cómo hacer para generar ventas repetidas - teipe Digital

We get customers with this situation, all the pre-purchase and purchase works perfectly, but they don't make them come back.

What we get out of the customer journey at the point of sale:

1️⃣ Having purchased means that you already have them in your database: you know that you can contact them by email, sms, networks...

2️⃣ You know what they have bought and the reasons why they have chosen it. So you already know to some extent their tastes or intentions when it comes to buying: You have it segmented.

3️⃣ If you have practiced active listening during the purchase, you will have in mind what you can offer next time.

Sacando el máximo provecho de las ventas obtenidas - Blog Teipe Digital

But not everything is so easy... in the world of online sales there are many factors that are not given to the lack of a direct contact...


✔️ You have their data

✔️ You know how many and which products were viewed prior to purchase.

✔️ You get an idea of their tastes.

Use what you have learned on the buyer's journey::

✅ Knowing the approximate delivery date of the purchase, you can calculate and send an email with a satisfaction survey, either of the purchase process or the product itself.

✅ Take full advantage of the purchase's delivery to add a plus, let's say they bought a swimsuit, present them with a small waxed cloth bag -with your brand of course!- to carry their swimsuit without letting humidity in (they will surely reuse it, keeping you in their top of mind).

✅ Do not leave behind your brand's hashtag and tags to be mentioned in social networks and take the advantage of this UGC (user generated content)!

✅ You know that your product (swimwear) may have a recurring purchase, and that right before the summer it would be optimal to send a newsletter with your new 20XX collection with a call to action to visit and buy on your website AGAIN.

Fideliza tu cliente manteniéndolo informado e interesado

Perhaps they won't come back the following week, but if you are patient, keep your customers interested and well-informed, you will generate long-term sales for sure, while leveraging performance campaigns for immediate sales.

⚠️ Take advantage of slow commercial times when #CPC is much cheaper, squeeze the moment to create a returning customer on #BlackFriday or #Christmas when CPC is much more expensive!!!

These are just a few, imagine what can come out of a brainstorming to get the most out of your online store. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need an experienced digital partner.

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