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5 Benefits Pinterest will bring to your business

A good Pinterest strategy can bring your brand many benefits. In this post, from Teipe we tell you everything you don't know about this platform.

Did you know that you can improve your brand's SEO positioning and increase traffic to your website thanks to Pinterest? This platform works as a source of inspiration for millions of users around the world. It is basically a visual search engine that tests the creativity of brands to capture the attention of their target audience and of course you must be there if you want to highlight your business over your competition! Therefore, in this post from Teipe we will share with you 5 benefits that Pinterest will give to your company.

Beneficios de tener una cuenta de Pinterest

Images, videos, boards... do you know what content works best for your brand? Trial and error is the key to success on Pinterest. Knowing how to read your site's metrics will save you time and allow you to create content that is increasingly suitable for your audience. There is no single recipe for a successful account: that's why the learning stage is essential! Read on and learn about the benefits that a good Pinterest account can bring to your business.

Brand awareness. Benefits of Pinterest

Competition in social networks is getting bigger and bigger. All companies, no matter how small, compete to capture the attention of their target audience, so more and more sophisticated creative strategies must be developed to highlight one brand over another.

The great thing about Pinterest is that if you create relevant pins and boards for your audience, it is very feasible to position your content among the first results. Then, your website, your online store or the site you have set up to link your pins will be receiving a constant flow from this platform and your audience will retain your brand name!


One of the advantages of Pinterest over other platforms is that the pins you create do not expire after a few days, but recirculate on the network for months, even years. That's why it's key to optimize your boards, create quality material and test different strategies to see what works best for your brand. Even if it takes you a little more time, you will see results in the short, medium and long term and you will see that putting creativity and head into this search engine really pays off!

A recommendation? Alternate your account's target landings. Link your pins to blog posts, podcasts or YouTube... see what works best!

Online sales through Pinterest

Although many consider Pinterest a social network, it is not exactly like that... and that is precisely the advantage of the platform! As we said before, Pinterest is a visual search engine. Therefore, those who use it are generally doing an active search on a given topic, either to buy it or to save information for the future.


So, Pinterest is an excellent alternative to increase your sales. First of all, users who see and click on your pins, if they find quality and economically competitive products, will surely make their purchase on your website or in your online store.

But there is another great advantage: Pinterest is your best ally to increase traffic to your website. In this way, your SEO positioning will be better and better, your chances of appearing in the first results of Google and other search engines will increase over time and your sales will continue to grow!


Pinterest also has the option to create promoted pins to promote your products. You can pay for one of your pins to appear in those places where your target audience is most likely to see it, similar to an Ads campaign on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. This way, you can design, plan and execute effective campaigns from this platform.


As we mentioned earlier, Pinterest is one of the best platforms to improve your company or brand's SEO positioning. Use it to position your site among the top search results, adding links to your pins to increase traffic to your website.

Beneficios de Pinterest

As we know, the number of visits is one of the factors that Google evaluates to assess the relevance of a website over another. Therefore, in addition to giving you direct benefits, Pinterest will indirectly benefit you by making your content appear higher, among the first results of Google.

Have you already created your Pinterest account? Do you know how to get your pins to reach more people? At Teipe we have everything you are looking for to boost your content, position your brand and reach your target audience! Contact us now and get more information about our company.

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