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Learn how to create effective content ideas for your brand

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Ingenuity is very important, but there are also techniques that can help you create quality content for your brand. In this post we will tell you about some of them!

Is creative made or is it born? Does inspiration come by itself? Are there methods that help create newer and more effective ideas? The image of the creative genius is still quite installed, locked in a room, developing content in solitude as a result of his great capacities. And anything farter from the reality! While ingenuity is very important, there are many useful tools and methodologies that can help you create interesting and effective content.

From Teipe Digital we want to tell you some techniques that will position your brand and delight your audience. Keep reading this post and learn how to generate effective content ideas for your brand.

Understand reading habits to create content ideas

Empathy is one of the keys to success in generating relevant content for your audience. And for this, understanding your pain-points (pain points) and gain-points (points to win) is vital. At this point you will have to find out what the consumption of your target audience is: what they read, if they have a reference blog, where they are educated and what content they prefer over others

You can do research on the browsing of your best consumers and analyze which of your content are their favorites, which ones have the most clicks, which ones they spend more time on and which ones have the highest bounce rate. You can also choose to do a short interview with users who interact with your content through telephone surveys or newsletters to find out what content they prefer and what they would like to see more of.

Being alert regarding the consumption of your audience will help you find opportunities for your business and to position your brand. The more we know about our users, the better and more effective the content we create.

Research your competitors

Does your competition always appear before you in search engines? That means that they must be doing something well and you can take advantage of it for your brand! Analyze their content, the topics they address, the resources that work best. Do you have a blog? Do you have social media accounts? Do you use videos? Photos? What kinds of content work best? The key is to learn from your competition and do it better for your brand, with your own imprint and personality.

Take advantage of Google tools

Google is one of the most powerful tools to quickly and efficiently find the content we are looking for. But not only that: it can also help us find new content opportunities and optimize the ideas we have. How? Through autocomplete and related searches.

Autocomplete is when Google suggests an answer as you type in the search bar. These "search predictions" reveal the most frequent queries and the keywords that users use to find certain information. Suppose we have an interior design magazine and we want to create new content for our audience. Then we will look for "differences between cement" and the Google search engine will offer us "concrete and reinforced concrete", "white and gray", "smoothed and microcement", and so on. These are some triggers that can help us create content for our blog, social media posts, YouTube videos, and other social media.

Related searches appear at the bottom of the Google search results page and can also give us some very useful ideas for creating content. Let's take an example: suppose we write "is cat litter toxic?" In the related searches we will find similar topics that we can take advantage of to generate content, such as "difference between clumping and clumping sand", "which is the best litter for cats", among others.

Create ideas with others

Connecting with other people can be extremely helpful. Not just with members of our company's marketing team. Conversations with members of other industries, who have a different customer experience, are often productive.

Doing a well-structured brainstorming can be very helpful for your brand. The key is to choose a diverse group of people, a moderator and to establish a clear agenda with defined objectives. What is the problem we are trying to solve? How long will the session last?

Make sure you create an atmosphere in which all participants feel comfortable, without the expectation of having to come up with great ideas. People tend to be inhibited, so it is essential to enable relaxed dialogue.

Using sticky notes, whiteboards, and other visual aids to keep track of ideas is highly recommended. Sticky notes are especially effective, as it's easy to group them by topic and identify common themes and trends. Make sure to show everyone's ideas so that the process feels democratic and transparent. Having a good experience is essential so that it can be repeated in the future.

At Teipe Digital our team of experts will help you create relevant content for your audience that helps to position your brand. Contact us now and get more information about our agency.

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